News : Electronics and microelectronics - Optoelectronics

December 13 2023

Silicon Carbide microelectrode array for neural interfacing

  M2 INTERSHIP Silicon Carbide microelectrode array for neural interfacing   Electric brain computer interfaces are based on electrode that collect or stimulate the neural activity. For two decades many types of intracortcial microelectrode arrays have been developed  nevertheless long lasting neural implants are still missing to allow a proper of this technology toward clinical […] >>

December 01 2023

Characterization of high-k dielectric/silicon interfaces using second harmonic generation (SHG)

                                                    2 YEARS POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW POSITION                                                               Characterization of high-k dielectric/silicon interfaces                                                             using second harmonic generation  (SHG)                                                                                                 Starting date:  January- February 2024                                                                                                    Within the IPCEI (Important Project of Common European Interest) on Microelectronics, we work (in collaboration with STMicroelectronics) on the development of a non-destructive characterization method adapted for interfaces between passivation […] >>

December 01 2023

Characterization of dielectric/silicon interfaces using second harmonic generation

    MASTER 2 INTERNSHIP PROPOSAL                                                               Characterization of dielectric/silicon interfaces                                                             using second harmonic generation                                                                                                      Starting date: February 2024                                                                                                     Duration: 5-6 months The microelectronics and optoelectronics industry relies on complex dielectric/silicon stacked  structures. Such structures, which are needed in cameras, displays, MOS transistors, …, must have very well-defined material properties but also […] >>

November 10 2023

Photonic physical unclonable functions for secure neuromorphic photonic accelerators.

PHOTONIC PHYSICAL UNCLONABLE FUNCTIONS FOR SECURE NEUROMORPHIC PHOTONIC ACCELERATORS The rising needs of processing information at the edge for low latency, high speeds, and energy efficiency purposes leveraging edge-computing as well as IoT devices (75 billion expected by 2025) for data collection and processing demands for more robust and reliable security layers to guarantee hardware […] >>

October 27 2023

Photonic physical unclonable functions for secure neuromorphic accelerators.

PHOTONIC PHYSICAL UNCLONABLE FUNCTIONS FOR SECURE NEUROMORPHIC PHOTONIC ACCELERATORS Application deadline  : FRIDAY 3 NOVEMBER 2023 The rising needs of processing information at the edge for low latency, high speeds, and energy efficiency purposes leveraging edge-computing as well as IoT devices (75 billion expected by 2025) for data collection and processing demands for more robust […] >>
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