News : Electronics and microelectronics - Optoelectronics

January 01 2023

Cryo-CMOS electronics: Thermal and strain effects in FDSOI MOSFETs down to very low temperature

In the context of the development of the cryo-electronics, i.e. the extension of operation of digital or analog electronics to cryogenic temperatures, down to a few tens of mK, in particular for quantum applications, the aim of the post-doctoral project is to continue the effort of modeling and characterization of the FDSOI technology at low […] >>

January 01 2023

Optomechanical force probes development for high speed AFM

The proposed topic is part of a CARNOT project aiming at developing a new generation of force sensors based on optomechanical transduction. These force sensors will be implemented in ultrafast AFM microscopes for imaging and force spectroscopy. They will allow to address biological and biomedical applications on sub-microsecond or even nanosecond time scales in force […] >>

January 01 2023

Design of 2D Matrix For Silicum Quantum computing with Validation by Simulation

The objective is to design a 2D matrix structure for quantum computing on silicon in order to consider structures of several hundred physical Qubits. In particular the subject will be focused on: – The functionality of the structure (Coulomb interaction, RF and quantum) – Manufacturing constraints (simulation and realistic process constraint) – The variability of […] >>

January 01 2023

Ultrasonic predictive maintenance

As part of the development of its research activities on sensor networks and predictive maintenance, the Autonomy and Sensor Integration Laboratory (DSYS/SSCE/LAIC) of CEA-LETI in Grenoble, France, is offering a thesis on “Ultrasound-based predictive maintenance”. Ultrasound emission is one of the first signs of ageing in an industrial system, before the appearance of vibrations, noise […] >>

January 01 2023

Modelling of device aging for energy conversion : toward predictive maintenance of power converters ?

The conversion of electrical energy is currently a major issue within our societies, whether to reduce losses, to allow the integration of a maximum of renewable energy from wind or solar power or to have cleaner mobility (electric vehicles, whatever their size, individual or collective), in industry as well as in the residential sector. The […] >>
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