News : Electronics and microelectronics - Optoelectronics

April 21 2023

Multi-feed reconfigurable antenna system using bio-sourced substrate for the sub-7 GHz 5G and beyond

Thesis offer Multi-feed reconfigurable antenna system using bio-sourced substrate for the sub-7 GHz 5G and beyond     Context and objective: The ICT sector contributed to about 3% of the worldwide CO2 emissions and this percentage is increasing with the increase in communication needs [1]. To meet the requirements of a high data rate communication […] >>

April 18 2023

Integrated Photonic on glass for THz Frequency Generation

  PhD position Integrated Photonic on glass for THz Frequency Generation The thesis will focus on the development of co-integrated Glass DFB Lasers for THz generation and  the demonstration to high speed communications. Several advanced applications, such as next wireless  communication system (6G and beyond), spectroscopes and radars require high purity radio frequency  signals. These […] >>

April 07 2023

Design and realization of a complete bio‑sourced RF transmitter chain

Thesis topic Title : Design and realization of a complete bio‑sourced RF transmitter chain Mots-clés : Electronique durable, Hyperfréquences, Electromagnétisme, Antenne active, Analyse de cycle de vie. Contexte : CISTEME, Centre de Resource Technique (CRT) spécialisé dans l’électronique RF et télécommunications, s’est positionné, depuis quelque temps, comme un acteur de la transition écologique dans son […] >>

April 03 2023

Design a serious game in microelectronics

Internship offer Design a serious game in microelectronics  (M/F) Contexte : Dans le contexte de la transition socio-écologique, le nombre d’étudiants intéressés par  l’électronique et plus particulièrement la microélectronique est très restreint. Cela se traduit dans  les écoles d’ingénieurs, notamment à Grenoble INP – PHELMA, par un nombre limité d’élèves  qui sont intéressées par les […] >>

March 27 2023

Arbitrary THz waveforms generator for Quantum Electronics applications

IMEP-LAHC, CNRS, Chambéry, France PhD open position in : Arbitrary THz waveforms generator for Quantum Electronics applications   Context : The most recent developments in 2D electron gas (2DEG) electronic circuits make it possible to consider the demonstration of quantum electronic experiments in which an electron would behave like a photon propagating in a quantum […] >>
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