Electric vehicles fill up with GaN

Categorie(s) : Innovation & Society, News, Research

Published : 6 June 2022

A joint lab formed by CEA-Leti and CEA-Liten has signed several R&D contracts for power conversion projects with manufacturers from the automotive industry since the EU H2020 Moduled project, which was completed a year ago.
The 100 kW version of the lab’s Moduled gallium nitride (GaN) inverter offers four times lower losses, 50% higher frequency, and a 20% smaller form factor than its silicon counterpart.
With these characteristics, the inverter would be a good match for electric vehicles slightly more powerful that the Renault Zoé—so the market is huge.
The joint lab also made a 3D digital twin of the inverter that can be used to develop the architecture and design and identify any technology-related issues that need to be addressed during development. It should help shorten project lifecycles.

Contact: camille.giroud@cea.fr

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