ERC Proof of Concept grant for SOT-MRAM fabrication process
Categorie(s) : Industry, News, Research
Published : 1 December 2020
Researchers at Spintec won an ERC Proof of Concept grant for a SOT-MRAM memory fabrication process developed under an earlier ERC grant. The challenge here is the unusual profile of the memory’s free magnetic layer. Rather than being round, it has a number of angles. This unique geometry eliminates the need to use micromagnets, which would normally be required for the system to operate in a reproducible manner. The downside is that standard UV lithography machines are not suitable for this type of SOT-MRAM fabrication.
Ionic irradiation—provided by startup Spin Ion—offers a potential solution. If it works, the researchers will have made a major advance toward ultra-fast, compact, energy-efficient SOT-MRAM, a potential replacement for SRAM memory.