Grenoble engineering students volunteer in Togo

Categorie(s) : Education, Innovation & Society, News

Published : 7 June 2022

This summer, a group of thirteen Grenoble engineering students will go to Gamé Kové, a village 70 km north of Togo’s capital, Lomé. This is the program’s fourth consecutive year.
Nonprofit group Solida’Rire is coordinating the month-long mission, which includes five first-year Grenoble INP – Phelma, UGA students. A first group of seven students will depart in mid-June, and a second group of eight will take over in mid-July.
This summer the plan is to build a new building for the community’s school, and have the structural work and roof done in time so the building can be used at the start of the next school year. A new team will return the following summer to finish the inside.
While they are there, the volunteers will also teach some math and French to the local children.

Funds are being raised here:

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