Growing numbers of Phelma students opt for work-study programs
Categorie(s) : Education, Life @ MINATEC, News
Published : 3 October 2017

Work-study programs are increasingly popular at Grenoble Institute of Technology’s Phelma engineering school. This year, 21 students were admitted into the work-study program, up from 14 the previous year, exceeding the school’s target. While the program mainly focuses on integrated systems design, its name was recently changed to Electronics, Microelectronics, and Telecommunications (EMT). Graduates of vocational and technical college programs and traditional undergraduate programs are eligible to apply directly to the program without completing an engineering preparatory program. This year 60 of the 364 incoming freshman were admitted through this special process designed to increase student diversity. Other than the sharp increase in work-study students, this year’s admissions figures are in line with previous years. Also worth noting is that two incoming freshman were admitted from agriculture/veterinary preparatory programs, another initiative—currently in the experimental phase—designed to increase diversity.