Hybrid-En platform gets off to a running start
Categorie(s) : Innovation & Society, Life @ MINATEC, MINATEC, News, Research
Published : 3 February 2014
The €1-million Hybrid-En platform for developing advanced energy generation and storage systems started up in early February. Located in the 10.05 Building, this 300 m2 facility brings together physicists and chemists to conduct experiments at the crossroads of semiconductor and polymer research.
The scientists come from INAC, CNRS, and UJF, and will conduct early-stage and proof-of-concept research that Leti and Liten researchers can then use for further development-stage work.
Hybrid-En has special R&D equipment like gloveboxes and synthesis tools, as well as an area where scientists can network and share ideas. Projects are already underway on supercapacitors, batteries, and thermoelectric power.
Contact: emmanuel.hadji@cea.fr