Ideas Days 2019 to delve into technology and resilience

Categorie(s) : Innovation & Society, Life @ MINATEC, MINATEC, News

Published : 1 June 2019

True to form, Ideas Laboratory will cross the boundaries between scientific disciplines and cultures at Ideas Days 2019, to be held on July 4 and 5, 2019. This year’s topic is “Technology and resilience: Utopia or balancing act?”. The event will interrogate whether or not science and technology can create hope and meaning in a highly-complex and unpredictable world. The day-and-a-half-long program includes around fifteen speakers who will facilitate five talks.

The event will begin and end with talks by Luc Schuiten, the architect who pioneered plant-inspired “vegetal cities,” and by historian and futurist Mathieu Baudin. A quartet will play jazz and 40s-style swing on the evening of July 4.



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