Interview: Sébastien Dauvé, Director, CEA-Leti

Categorie(s) : Interviews, News

Published : 7 December 2021

This is an unprecedented time in microelectronics R&D

You were appointed Director of CEA-Leti in July. How have you adjusted to your new role?

S.D.: Quickly!
If you remember, back in July there was a lot of talk about the semiconductor shortage, technological sovereignty, and Intel’s plans to expand its manufacturing base into Europe.
The French government’s Directorate General for Enterprise (DGE) and Brussels very rapidly asked us to make recommendations on priority R&D topics and other initiatives to shore up the industry.

How well equipped is CEA-Leti to tackle the challenges of the next few years?
I have met with our biggest industrial R&D partners. What stands out the most is their trust in the institute.
Looking ahead, the Nano 2025 program will provide some guarantees in terms of resources. Additional support, which we would be able to use to purchase equipment and hire staff, is also a possibility.
Most importantly, the people at CEA-Leti are highly motivated and committed.
While we are certainly not taking anything for granted, we feel that we are in a good position.

Is this a turning point in CEA-Leti’s history?
A year ago, many people didn’t even know what semiconductors were. Today, they are all over the headlines. CEA management at all levels—up to and including the Chairman—supports our microelectronics research.
And microelectronics is very present in the government’s France 2030 investment plan. This is an unprecedented time in microelectronics, the likes of which we have never seen.
We plan to step into our role supporting this industry more fully than ever before. Boosting our attractiveness as an employer will also be vital in the coming years.


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