IRT Nanoelec: More than 300 SMBs have received services through the Easytech program

Categorie(s) : Industry, News, Research

Published : 7 June 2017

The Easytech program introduced by IRT Nanoelec in 2012 has provided digital innovation and technology transfer support services to more than 300 local SMBs to date. Participating SMBs can access IRT Nanoelec services developed to meet their unique needs, from an appointment with a consultant to get advice to an audit of a process in progress or R&D project support and financing of up to 50% of project costs. Support from the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes regional government and several local municipalities have now made it possible for IRT Nanoelec to offer consulting appointments in Grenoble, Lyon, Valence, and Saint-Étienne.
This June IRT Nanoelec will publish a collection of success stories highlighting more than 50 businesses (Arnano, Avalun, Delta Drone, Isorg, and more) that have received support through Easytech.


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