Life is gradually returning to normal on campus
Categorie(s) : Life @ MINATEC, MINATEC, News
Published : 6 July 2020

France began easing its Covid-19 restrictions almost two months ago. As we move into summer, life on the MINATEC campus is gradually returning to normal. Grenoble Institute of Technology-Phelma students will not return to campus until at least September. The school’s faculty and staff are back, however, but with a maximum of 40% of a given department’s personnel allowed at work the same day. The rationale behind this very gradual return is to give everyone an opportunity to get accustomed to taking the necessary precautions so that the school can be up and running 100% safely in September.
FMNT is also using the 40% rule, with staff coming in on a rotation. PhD candidates, interns, and, more generally, anyone who needs to do lab work, is given priority.
The CEA brought staff back in waves. First, employees tasked with restarting equipment, then scientists, then other categories of staff. As of July 6, work-on site will be considered standard practice (unless it is not possible).