MINATEC Enterprises gets a new office and CEO

Categorie(s) : Life @ MINATEC, MINATEC, News

Published : 7 June 2021

Some changes have been made at MINATEC Entreprises in response to a directive in France’s Notre Act of 2015 that transfers responsibility for economic policy from the national to the regional government.

Yannick Neuder, Vice President of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Regional Council, has succeeded Annick Merle (Vice President of the Isère General Council) as CEO of MINATEC Entreprises. Ms. Merle will serve as Vice President, MINATEC Entreprises with Guy Jullien (Grenoble Alpes Métropole) and Jean-Charles Guibert (CEA). In other news, Pierre-Édouard Cardinal has succeeded Alain Ramberti as Chief Operating Officer.

The new management team will focus on the pressing issue of what to do about the BHT3 building. The BHT1 and BHT2 buildings have been completed and the decision to build BHT3 has been confirmed. However, a timeline and other operational questions still need to be addressed.

Contact: pierre-edouard.cardinal@minatec-entreprises.com

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