Phelma Junior Consultants kicks off new programs this autumn

Categorie(s) : Education, Life @ MINATEC, News

Published : 1 October 2012

For the first time this year, Phelma Junior Consultants’ orientation program will be held over an activity-filled weekend at a chalet in the Vercors. During this weekend 20 new members will learn about the club’s different roles and committees (like president, treasurer, secretary, membership development, and communications), so they can decide how they would like to contribute. Hands-on activities and role-playing are also on the agenda.
This year will also see the introduction of a new series of monthly evening events to start in October. Three Phelma alumni will talk about a particular issue important to students—like working in R&D or making a career change—during a series of three 20-minute interactive panel discussions in which students will have a chance to participate.



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