Phelma Junior Consultants moving up

Categorie(s) : Education, MINATEC, News

Published : 3 April 2017

Phelma Junior Consultants was audited in December 2016 by France’s National Federation of Student Enterprises (CNJE) and has subsequently moved up from “Junior-Création” status to “Pépinière Junior-Entreprise” (incubator) status.
That leaves just one more step to the top, “Junior-Entreprise,” a move Phelma Junior Consultants expects to make in December 2017 or May 2018.

The successful audit confirms Phelma Junior Consultants’ popularity with the companies it is targeting with its services. Since it was founded, Phelma Junior Consultants has completed more than 30 projects that align with Phelma’s areas of expertise, has organized tours of businesses, labs, and large scientific instruments for Phelma students, and has run guest lectures by professionals from industry.


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