Piezoelectric stack integration time slashed by 70%

Categorie(s) : Industry, News, Research

Published : 2 June 2014

A team of researchers from Leti and Mitsubishi has developed a process that leverages a new piezoelectric material developed by Mitsubishi. According to the researchers’ estimates, the process could cut by 70% the time needed to integrate a piezoelectric stack measuring around 2 microns thick into RF capacitors and actuators. The innovation hinges upon a unique sol-gel formulation—more viscous than the material generally used—that makes it possible to deposit layers four times thicker than normal. This reduces the number of layers from 36 to around 10, which explains the spectacular drop in integration time. Defect densities are also reduced. The piezoelectric stack offers electrical and mechanical properties equivalent to the current market standard. The researchers are now working with a hardware manufacturer on a related modification, and other enhancements are in the works.

Contact: jeannet.bernard@cea.fr




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