Highly efficient Terahertz devices for Nano-Electronics Quantum Technology
Published : 11 February 2020

POST- DOCTORAL position in
Highly efficient Terahertz devices for Nano-Electronics Quantum Technology
We are seeking for a post-doctoral fellow in the frame of the project STEPforQubits
(Short TeraHertz Electrical Pulses for Qubits) funded by the french ANR agency.
The most recent developments of quantum electronic circuits made from 2D electron gas (2DEG) will make possible the demonstration of novel and fundamental experiments such as electron “quantum optics” experiments where single electron would behave as a single photon emitted in a quantum optical system [1]. However, in order to perform such fascinating experiments, it is required to excite, control and detect single electrons within a time-scale well below the nanosecond range. For that, we intend to use ultrafast optoelectronics as a generation technique of picosecond electrical pulses and to associate it with quantum electronics in 2DEG circuits. Today, the use of femtosecond lasers allows for the generation of electrical pulses with duration lower than a picosecond and frequency components in the THz range. This technique is commonly based on GaAs photoconductive switches and it is routinely used for THz experiment [2]. However, to our knowledge, it has never been successfully applied to the study of quantum electronic circuits. Hence, in this project we would like to build a new technological approach for quantum-technology by integrating quantum 2DEG circuits with highly efficient optoelectronic devices capable of generating picosecond electrical pulses with on-demand duration and amplitude.
Objectives of the postdoctoral fellowship:
The research work is focused on the development and experimental characterization of a new class of highly efficient photoconductive devices based on GaAs technology. The design of the component takes advantage of nano-photonic and plasmonic techniques in order to increase its efficiency [3]. After assessment of their performances, the devices will be co-integrated with a 2DEG circuit in order to demonstrate a first quantum experiment. Then, further developments toward new functionalities of the photoconductive devices will be addressed.
Collaboration and networking :
The research will be done by the group PHOTO at IMEP-LAHC, University Savoie Mont-Blanc in Chambéry in collaboration with the group QuantECA in the Neel Institute, CNRS in Grenoble . Both groups enjoy international renown in their discipline. They are fully equipped with high speed electronics, lasers, THz benches, cryogenic instrumentation, clean room and nanofabrication facilities.
Required profile:
We are looking for a post graduate researcher with a PhD in Physics, Optics or Electronics. A previous experience in experimental THz optics, ultrafast laser science, integrated optics or optoelectronics will be of advantage. The successful post-doctoral fellow should have a background in at least one of the following fields: THz optics, ultrafast optics, optoelectronics, semiconductors components. The candidate should have demonstrated his-her ability for interdisciplinary collaboration with researchers and a corresponding track record of publications.
To apply for this position, please send your application as one single PDF file to Dr. J. F. Roux (see coordinates below). The application should contain a motivation letter including a short exposé with an outline of your research interests, CV, Master and PhD certificates and 2 reference contacts.
Foreseen start for the position: April 2020
Net Salary (after taxes): Approximatively 2000 € per month
Duration: 12 months (extendable up to 3 years)
Contact : Dr. Jean-Francois ROUX, jean-francois.roux@univ-smb.fr
[1] Bauerle et al. 2018 Rep. Prog. Phys. 81 056503
[2] Eusebe et al. 2005 JAP 98, 033711
[3] Georgiou et al. ArXiV : 2001.01341