News :
January 01 2023
Development of artificial intelligence algorithms for narrow-band localization
Narrowband (NB) radio signals are widely used in the context of low power, wide area (LPWA) networks, which are one of the key components of the Internet-of-Things (NB-IoT). However, because of their limited bandwidth, such signals are not well suited for accurate localization, especially when used in a complex environment like high buildings areas or […] >>
January 01 2023
Design and fabrication of the magnetic control of 1.000 qubits arrays
Quantum computing is nowadays a strong field of research at CEA-LETI and in numerous institutes and companies around the world. In particular, RF magnetic fields allow to control the spin of silicon qubits, and pathway for large scale control is a real technological challenge. The bibliographic analysis and the studies already carried out will able […] >>
January 01 2023
DTCO analysis of MRAM for In/Near-Memory Computing
The energy cost associated to moving data across the memory hierarchy has become a limiting factor in modern computing systems. To mitigate this trend, novel computing architectures favoring a more local and parallel processing of the stored information are proposed, under the labels « Near/In-Memory Computing » or « Processing In Memory ». Substantial benefits […] >>
January 01 2023
Nano-imaging with deep neural networks
The postdoctoral research project is part of a five-year ERC-funded project called CARINE (Coherent diffrAction foR a Look Inside NanostructurEs towards atomic resolution: catalysis and interfaces – to develop and apply new coherent diffraction imaging (CDI) capabilities. We want to develop and apply machine learning and, more generally, data science approaches for imaging and […] >>
January 01 2023
Design of 2D Matrix For Silicum Quantum computing with Validation by Simulation
The objective is to design a 2D matrix structure for quantum computing on silicon in order to consider structures of several hundred physical Qubits. In particular the subject will be focused on: – The functionality of the structure (Coulomb interaction, RF and quantum) – Manufacturing constraints (simulation and realistic process constraint) – The variability of […] >>