News :

August 26 2022

Strain driven Group IV photonic devices: applications to light emission and detection

Straining the cristal lattice of a semiconductor is a very powerfull tool enabling controlling many properties such as its emission wavelength, its mobility…Making strain amplification microstructures is a rather recent technique allowing accumulating very significant amounts of strain in a micronic constriction, such as a microbridge (up to 4.9% for Ge [1]), which deeply drives […] >>

January 21 2022

Theoretical and experimental studies of the polarized light’s propagation into OLED structure

In collaboration with chemists from CEA Saclay and the University of Rennes, Leti’s LCEM laboratory is interested in new chiral molecules for OLED (Organic Light Emitting Device) sources able to emit circularly polarized light (CP). The interest of these CPOLED sources is multiple and encompasses both micro-screens and healthcare applications. While the state of the […] >>

January 18 2022

Postdoctoral position on the modeling of silicon spin qubits

A post-doctoral position is opened at the Interdisciplinary Research Institute of Grenoble (IRIG) of the CEA Grenoble (France) on the theory and modeling of silicon spin quantum bits (qubits). The selected candidate is expected to start at the beginning of year 2022, for up to two years. Quantum information technologies on silicon have raised an […] >>

December 14 2021

Functional fluids for discrete radio frequency applications

                                                                 E-Transparent – MATURATION Program                       Functional fluids for discrete radio frequency applications R&D CDD  – Post-doctorate : Start : 01/02/2022 End : 31/07/2023 Salary : 30-32 k€ brut/an Maturation Program – SATT LINKSIUM Application deadline : 07/01/2022 Project Description : The E-transparent project addresses transparent […] >>

September 16 2021

Highly efficient Terahertz devices for Nano-Electronics Quantum Technology

                                                                 IMEP-LAHC, CNRS, Chambéry, France          Post-doctoral position in Highly efficient Terahertz devices for Nano-Electronics Quantum Technology We are seeking for a post-doctoral fellow in the frame […] >>
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