News :

January 04 2021

Development of Atomic Force Microscopy techniques for the characterization of piezoelectric semiconductor materials – Applications in energy conversion

Postdoctoral subject: Development of Atomic Force Microscopy techniques for the characterization of piezoelectric semiconductor materials – Applications in energy conversion IMEP-LaHC / MINATEC / Grenoble-France Keywords: AFM, Semiconductor Physics and technology, Nanotechnologies, Nanowires, Piezoelectricity, Multiphysics simulation. Description of the project: Semiconductor piezoelectric nanowires (NWs) (GaN and ZnO among others) have improved piezoelectric properties compared to […] >>

December 15 2020

Development of Atomic Force Microscopy techniques for the characterization of piezoelectric semiconductor materials – Applications in energy conversion

Description of the project: Semiconductor piezoelectric nanowires (NWs) (GaN and ZnO among others) have improved piezoelectric properties compared to thin films and bulk materials, due to their greater flexibility and sensitivity to lower forces. An intrinsic improvement in piezoelectric coefficients has also been identified by recent theoretical and experimental studies [1, 2]. These NWs can […] >>

February 11 2020

Highly efficient Terahertz devices for Nano-Electronics Quantum Technology

                       IMEP-LAHC , CNRS , Chambéry, FRANCE                                                         POST- DOCTORAL position in Highly efficient Terahertz devices for Nano-Electronics Quantum Technology We are seeking for a post-doctoral fellow in the frame of the project STEPforQubits (Short TeraHertz Electrical Pulses for Qubits) funded by the french ANR agency. CONTEXT : The most recent developments of quantum electronic […] >>

October 17 2019

Towards the development of high-performance piezoelectric nano-composites for innovative applications in energy conversion

Postdoctoral subject: Towards the development of high-performance piezoelectric nano-composites for innovative applications in energy conversion IMEP-LaHC / MINATEC / Grenoble-France   Keywords: Nanotechnologies, Nanowires, Piezoelectricity, AFM, Multiphysics simulation, Semiconductor Physics and technology. Description of the project: Semiconductor piezoelectric nanowires (NWs) (GaN and ZnO among others) have improved piezoelectric properties compared to thin films and bulk […] >>

September 10 2018

Détection électrique de l’hybridation d’ADN par amplification PCR sur Si-nanonet-FET

Contexte scientifique Très prometteuses au moment de leur découverte, après plus d’une décennie de recherche intensive, les nanostructures 1D et 2D se sont révélées décevantes pour les transferts vers le domaine applicatif en raison de la difficulté de les produire de manière reproductible et à grande échelle. Ainsi, dans le contexte de la feuille de […] >>
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