Puya Internationale moves headquarters to Grenoble

Categorie(s) : Innovation & Society, MINATEC, News

Published : 1 June 2019

Puya Internationale, a non-profit dedicated to scientific cooperation, was founded in 2004. The group recently moved its headquarters from Cachan to Grenoble, where the majority of its most active members are located. Puya Internationale initially focused on Franco-Peruvian cooperation, and gradually expanded its scope across Latin America and, later, to other continents. The group’s objective is to promote and encourage scientific and technical cooperation between France and universities in emerging countries leveraging a strong network of partners that includes MINATEC.

This year, Puya Internationale is involved in several science-related events, including the Nanoandes and MEMS-Latam (formerly MEMS AL) schools in Chile, the MINATEC school in Vietnam, and a characterization school in Morocco.


Contact: robert.baptist@cea.fr

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