The Nanocharacterization Platform (PFNC)
The Nanocharacterization Platform (PFNC) offers 2,200 square meters of space outfitted with around 40 pieces of world-class nanocharacterization equipment run by 80 researchers and technicians, making it unlike any other center in Europe.
PFNC is jointly operated by CEA Grenoble institutes Leti, Liten, and Irig. The platform’s mission is to develop new characterization techniques for applications that include micro and nanotechnologies, nanomaterials, and materials for the energy industry. PFNC also performs the characterization work required for CEA and CEA partner research programs.
In addition to these core activities, PFNC also:
- participates in programs (both national and international) with manufacturers, component makers, and academic partners;
- works with students and supervises PhD dissertations;
- transfers the technologies developed to industry and disseminates new knowledge through scientific publications, patents, and participation in international scientific conferences.

PFNC offers expertise in ion beam and x-ray testing, surface analysis, electronic and near-field microscopy, optical characterization, mechanical properties testing, and sample preparation—a crucial stage in scientific observation at the nanometric scale.

Serma Technologies, a company based on the MINATEC campus, offers characterization and testing services to ensure optimal use of the platform’s equipment. PFNC also works with the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility located nearby to assess the capacities of synchrotron radiation source to attain ultimate characterization resolutions.