Scintil Photonics develops faster, more affordable optical interconnects

Categorie(s) : Industry, MINATEC, News, Research

Published : 4 February 2019

Startup Scintil Photonics has set the ambitious goal of developing competitively-priced optical interconnects capable of achieving transmission speeds of 800 Gbit/s. The company, a Leti spinoff currently in incubation, won the Bpifrance i-lab competition in 2018. It was founded by Leti research scientist Sylvie Menezo and former Tronics CEO Pascal Langlois.

Scintil Photonics is leveraging Leti research that led to the integration of lasers into III-V semiconductor materials on silicon circuits. The mass fabrication of lasers on silicon reduces circuit cost, size, and energy consumption. The company has completed several demonstrator systems and is currently in talks with several foundries with a view to prototyping and, ultimately, manufacturing its 800G circuits.


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