Serma Technologies invests €1 million in a TEM

Categorie(s) : Industry, Life @ MINATEC, News

Published : 1 June 2015

The MINATEC campus got a new Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) earlier this year. The FEI Tecnai Osiris microscope, offering resolution close to the angstrom, was acquired by Serma Technologies, a services company that has called the BHT home for the past several years.

The equipment rounds out Serma Technologies’ own capabilities, of course. But the company also has access to additional equipment, including three other TEMs, at the Nanocharacterization Platform. Serma Technologies serves companies and research labs in industries ranging from microelectronics, automotive, energy, and space to biology. The company has 21 employees in Grenoble and invested €1 million to purchase and install the new microscope.


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