News :

October 11 2019

2D semiconductor materials grown on graphene/metal/SiC

Quantum materials (QMats) are prime candidates for next-generation energy-efficient technologies, such as topological quantum computing, quantum sensing, and neuromorphic computing. In particular van der Waals 2D materials exhibit a compellingly wide range of exotic and potentially useful properties such as charge density waves, topological insulator edges, etc… More generally, van der Waals epitaxy is a […] >>

October 11 2019

Cryogenic electronics for silicon quantum bits

Currently, the research on quantum computing attracts great attention in order to favor upscaling of the number of qubits for superior calculation capacity. The mature CMOS technology for transistor circuits offers the opportunity to develop on-chip integration of CMOS qubits with classical electronics at low temperatures thereby improving qubit manipulation and read out with respect […] >>

October 11 2019

Valley physics in Silicon

We are looking for a motivated candidate for a Phd project preceded by a master’s training on valley physics in silicon. The discovery of the ‘field effect’ was awarded the Nobel prize in Physics in 1956 [1] and has allowed the development of information technologies which have revolutionized our lives with computers and smart phones. […] >>

October 11 2019

Design and modeling of two-dimensionnal arrays of silicon qubits

“Quantum computers” may soon be able to solve problems beyond the reach of conventional computers. Such computers no longer manipulate electrons as particles, but as waves that maintain phase relationships and can interfere. The preparation, coherent manipulation and “reading” of quantum states is extremely challenging. One promising option for making quantum bits (qubits) is to […] >>

November 06 2018

Development and characterization of flexible transducers based on piezoelectric nanowires

MASTER Student Training : First Semester 2019  Development and characterization of flexible transducers based on piezoelectric nanowires IMEP-LaHC / LMGP/ MINATEC / Grenoble-France Keywords: Nanotechnologies, Nanowires, Piezoelectricity, SALD Training: Very recently, the scientific community gets interested in nanowire devices, because of their unique electrical and mechanical properties due to their 1D structure. These properties could […] >>
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