News :

January 24 2018

Development of a simulation software of superconducting electronics based on the use of Josephson junctions at terahertz frequencies

                                      MASTER INTERNSHIP 2018                                                   Development of a simulation software of superconducting electronics based on the use of Josephson junctions at terahertz frequencies […] >>

November 30 2017

Optimization of the resistive switching in LaMnO3-based devices

Abstract Recently, resistive random access memories (ReRAM) have generated significant interest both in industry and in the scientific community for their use as non-volatile memory beyond Flash memory scaling. ReRAMs are considered one of the most promising emerging non-volatile memories due to high speed, high density, great scalability and low power consumption. Recent work carried […] >>

November 14 2017

Material and interface quality analysis by surface harmonic generation (SHG)

Laboratory : IMEP-LaHC, Grenoble-INP Contact: Irina Ionica Key words: second harmonic generation, thin layers optical properties, modeling Context: This topic is in the context of research on novel characterization methods of ultra-thin films and interface quality for applications in micro, nanoelectronics, photovoltaics, photonics, etc. A key element today is to propose and develop innovative characterization […] >>

February 02 2017

Toward a better understanding of the microbial growth inhibition by electromagnetic fields

                                                      Master thesis proposal – MARCH to JULY 2017         Toward a better understanding of the microbial growth inhibition by electromagnetic fields Keywords : Electromagnetism, microbial decontamination, growth inhibition mechanisms, numerical modeling Labs : – Institut de Microélectronique, Electromagnétisme et Photonique- Laboratoire d’Hyperfréquences et de Caractérisation (IMEP-LaHC) Minatec – 3, parvis Louis Néel, BP […] >>

November 21 2016

Material and interface quality analysis by surface harmonic generation (SHG)

Contact: Irina Ionica Key words: second harmonic generation, thin layers optical properties, modeling Context: This topic is in the context of research on novel characterization methods of ultra-thin films and interface quality for applications in micro, nanoelectronics, photovoltaics, photonics, etc. A key element today is to propose and develop innovative characterization methods that do not […] >>
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