News :
October 26 2023
Impedancemetric measurements for water pollution sensors – models to determine the frequency characteristics of pollutants
INTERNSHIP PFE or de MASTER -2024 Impedancemetric measurements for water pollution sensors – models to determine the frequency characteristics of pollutants Keywords: HF characterization, biomedical devices, Biosensor, impedance spectroscopy, environmental […] >>
October 25 2023
Optical characterization and optical communication experiment
Master 2 Internship Optical characterization and optical communication experiment Recent technological developments opened the way to exploitable systems operating at ultra-high frequencies (100GHz and above). Several applications such as next generation wireless communication systems, spectroscopes and Radars require continuous radio signals. Electrical sources, although having exceptional properties, struggle to access very […] >>
October 16 2023
Study of protein adsorp0on on surfaces by means of an integrated photonic sensor
MASTER 2 THESIS /PFE (5 to 6 months) Study of protein adsorp0on on surfaces by means of an integrated photonic sensor The adsorption of proteins on surfaces plays an important role in the biomedical field [1]. For diagnostics, the control of the adsorption of immobilized capture antibodies is crucial for accurate […] >>
April 03 2023
Design a serious game in microelectronics
Internship offer Design a serious game in microelectronics (M/F) Contexte : Dans le contexte de la transition socio-écologique, le nombre d’étudiants intéressés par l’électronique et plus particulièrement la microélectronique est très restreint. Cela se traduit dans les écoles d’ingénieurs, notamment à Grenoble INP – PHELMA, par un nombre limité d’élèves qui sont intéressées par les […] >>
November 09 2022
Microwave measurements in living tissues – models for determining blood glucose concentration
MASTER INTERNSHIP – 2023 Title : Microwave measurements in living tissues – models for determining blood glucose concentration Keywords: RF characterization, biomedical devices Labs : – Institut de Microélectronique, Electromagnétisme et Photonique Laboratoire d’Hyperfréquences et Caractérisation (IMEP-LaHC, GINP-CNRS-UGA-USMB) Minatec – Grenoble, 3, parvis Louis Néel, BP 257 38 016 GRENOBLE Cedex 1 Supervisors : […] >>