News :

October 22 2019

Modeling and design of hybrid semiconductor/magnetic circuits based on the interconversion between spin and charge currents and on the control of magnetic properties by electrical field

Spin electronics is a merging of microelectronics and magnetism which aims at taking advantage of the best of the two worlds. Magnetism is very appropriate for memory functions since it allows encoding information in a nonvolatile way via the direction of magnetization of magnetic nanostructures. Magnetic memory called MRAM (Magnetic Random Access Memories) are about […] >>

October 22 2019

Magnetic 3D topological insulators

Nanostructures of the magnetic 3D topological insulators MnBi2Te4 and MnBi4Te7 are candidates to realize novel chiral electronic states, similar to the quantum Hall state, but without the need of magnetic fields. The modification of the band structure by the exchange interaction is also predicted to generate axion insulators, with topological properties that can be tuned […] >>

October 22 2019

Magnetic skyrmion in ultrathin nanostructures

The recent discovery of nanometer-size whirling magnetic structures named magnetic skyrmions has opened a new path to manipulate magnetization at the nanoscale [1,2]. Magnetic skyrmions are characterized by a chiral and topologically non-trivial spin structure, i.e their magnetization texture cannot be continuously transformed into the uniform magnetic state without causing a singularity (see Fig.1). Skyrmions can […] >>

October 22 2019

Study of the charge current – spin current interconversion in Rashba-Edelstein interfaces and topological insulators surfaces

The conversion of a conventional charge current into a spin current, carrying not charges but angular momentum, can be done in non-magnetic systems using the spin-orbit coupling. Spin-dependent transport effects can thus be observed in very wide ranges of materials and interfaces, allowing spin manipulation in metals, oxides [1], semiconductors, Rashba interfaces, topological insulators, 2D […] >>

October 22 2019

Spintronic samples design and electron optics for in operando Magnetic imaging

Electron Holography is an advanced technique of Transmission Electron Microscopy that consists in reconstructing the full electron wave to access its phase. The phase of an electron wave is modulated by the presence of electro-magnetic fields that may be quantitatively mapped, once the phase is obtained. Beyond the possibility of describing magnetism (and more particularly […] >>
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