April 01 2019

Interview: Jérôme Garin, Director, IRIG

  • Interviews
  • Life @ MINATEC
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Jérôme Garin, Director, IRIG*: “We are working together to address interdisciplinary topics”   INAC, BIG, and IBS merged to form IRIG in early 2019. What is the rationale behind the change? The idea is to scale up, raise our profile, and present a unified front to our partners like CNRS and the University. With a […] >>

April 01 2019

MINATEC startups raised more than €125 million in 2018

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When it comes to fundraising, 2018 will go down in the books as a record year. Ten MINATEC startups raised €30 million in 2017. In 2018 nine startups raised more than €125 million. Three of the startups (Isorg, Aledia, and Kalray, which went public last June) raised more than €20 million each. The six others […] >>

April 01 2019

BHT2 to open its doors this fall

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Construction of the BHT2 building was completed right on schedule at the end of March. MINATEC Entreprises, which manages the building, is in late-stage negotiations with around ten companies that have expressed an interest in locating their operations there. The interior spaces will be designed and built out to meet each tenant’s needs over the […] >>

April 01 2019

MINATEC Labs make room for 100 more researchers

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The Vercors Wing of building 10.05 is finally ready for moving day after two years of construction work. Nearly 100 nanoelectronics, nanophotonics, and spintronics researchers from CEA Sciences/IRIG will start moving in this April. Some 200 researchers have already moved into the Chartreuse Wing of the building. Once the Vercors Wing is occupied, MINATEC Labs […] >>

April 01 2019

GIANT Orientation Day for young researchers

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The GIANT Junior Ambassadors will welcome the campus’ PhD candidates, post-docs, and interns to the first-ever GIANT Orientation Day on April 15. The event is designed to give the participants a comprehensive overview of GIANT’s activities. And, with an impressive 30,000 people specializing in ICTs, energy, and healthcare working and studying on the campus every […] >>
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