February 05 2019

Technology transfer: Sylvain Colomb succeeds Alain Briand

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Sylvain Colomb took over from Alain Briand as head of the CEA Grenoble’s tech transfer and spinoff programs in January. Colomb, 41 years old, is an electronics engineer and has personal experience starting a spinoff. He is one of the cofounders of Ethera, spun off from the CEA in 2010 to develop indoor air quality […] >>

February 05 2019

SOI Academy Shanghai launch a success

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In order to promote FDSOI, their advanced CMOS technology, to Chinese manufacturers, Leti and Soitec are ready and willing to organize events in China. In late November they met with some 200 managers, technicians, and circuit designers in Shanghai. The two-day “SOI Academy” was facilitated by experts from Leti and Soitec, and featured speakers from […] >>

February 05 2019

April 3 to April 5: two conferences to broaden your horizons

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IMEP-LaHC and Sinano will organize the first International Nanodevices and Computing Conference from April 3 to 5 in Grenoble. The event is actually two conferences in one. The first one is about IRDS, the International Roadmap for Devices and Systems. The second will address Rebooting Computing, an international initiative created in addition to IRDS. Rebooting […] >>

February 05 2019

Diabeloop obtains CE marking

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Diabeloop’s DBLG1 automated type-1 diabetes management system obtained the CE marking (for conformity with health, safety, and environmental protection standards) in November. The system, developed in partnership with Leti and CERITD*, consists of a continuous glucose sensor and an insulin pump that communicate with a terminal equipped with artificial intelligence. The self-learning and customizable system […] >>

February 04 2019

European microelectronics roadmap ready to roll

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Mission accomplished! EU H2020 project Nereid, coordinated by Grenoble Institute of Technology, has delivered on its promise of creating a fifteen-year European micro and nanoelectronics roadmap. Parts of the European roadmap were included in the IRDS global roadmap. Europe’s major technology research organizations and academic research labs in the field of microelectronics contributed to the […] >>
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