News : techtransfer

December 04 2018

Air Liquide signs five-year contract with the CEA

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Air Liquide and the CEA have a long-standing partnership. They recently extended their cooperation through a five-year joint lab. INAC, along with institutes IRFM and IRFU, plays a major role in two research topics addressed by the joint lab. The first is improving the performance of pulsed-gas tube cooling units. These cooling components cool the […] >>

December 03 2018

Avalun ramps up production at MINATEC

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LabPad®, Avalun’s “pocket lab,” is currently sold around the globe, with customers in Germany, Italy, the UK, the Czech Republic, South Africa, and other countries. The startup recently decided to automate its consumables manufacturing line at the BHT building in MINATEC campus. The robotized machine recently commissioned can produce 15,000 blood coagulation tests per day, […] >>

December 03 2018

Biomedical research: Eveon and LMGP set up joint lab

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Eveon and LMGP have been working together for several years through the Grenoble Institute of Technology-Phelma Biomedical Engineering program. Today, the partners are ramping up their collaboration through a joint lab funded by the Grenoble-Alpes University IDEX. The lab will investigate the impact of different materials and fluidics processes on the stability of therapeutic proteins. […] >>

December 03 2018

Rosi recycles photovoltaic manufacturing waste

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Solar panels produce renewable energy, of course. However, like any manufactured product, solar cells also produce waste. In fact, 40% of the ultra-pure silicon used to make photovoltaic cells goes to waste during the diamond-wire cutting process. Startup Rosi was created in late 2017 to reduce this massive waste. The company is combining a chemical […] >>

December 03 2018

Automotive switches: resource-efficient MPC

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Can automotive switches be controlled by MPC*-type rules despite the switches’ limited processing power? EFI Automotive and Leti recently kicked off a research project to find out. If they are successful, EFI Automotive’s future switches will deliver levels of performance never before seen on the market, whether it is in terms of speed, energy consumption, […] >>
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