News : techtransfer

June 07 2017

IRT Nanoelec: More than 300 SMBs have received services through the Easytech program

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The Easytech program introduced by IRT Nanoelec in 2012 has provided digital innovation and technology transfer support services to more than 300 local SMBs to date. Participating SMBs can access IRT Nanoelec services developed to meet their unique needs, from an appointment with a consultant to get advice to an audit of a process in […] >>

June 07 2017

Sylfen wins international innovation award from French newspaper Le Monde

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Sylfen won the Le Monde Smart Cities competition International Award in Singapore on June 2, shortly after receiving the European Innovation Award for the Energy Category of the same competition in April. The awards will help raise the growing company’s profile. Based in Grenoble at the MINATEC High-tech Building, the startup, which holds licenses to […] >>

June 07 2017

P-SCAN pinpoints industrial systems’ vulnerabilities

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As part of a partnership with international certification agency Bureau Veritas, Leti developed a test bench to verify the security of connected objects for industry, healthcare, transportation, and more generally, the Internet of Things. The P-SCAN test bench is the world’s first automated system that can detect potential vulnerabilities at the physical interfaces of industrial […] >>

June 07 2017

Large-scale two-dimensional MoSe2 production with no tape!

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Researchers at INAC recently synthesized homogeneous three-atomic-layer MoSe2 on a large scale using molecular beam epitaxy. Like other transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), MoSe2 is a two-dimensional semiconductor that offers vast potential for applications in electronics, spintronics, and optoelectronics. Producing the material by exfoliation from bulk crystal using adhesive tape does not deliver consistent enough quality […] >>

April 03 2017

Nanobiose strengthens ties with MINATEC

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Nanobiose is headquartered in Le Bourget du Lac. But since the startup signed an R&D contract with Grenoble Institute of Technology, its staff can often be found at MINATEC using the resources at CIME Nanotech and LMGP. Founded in July 2016, Nanobiose offers products and services to assess the potential toxicity of nanoparticles, nanodrugs, and […] >>
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