News : techtransfer

April 03 2017

Even more CEA technologies in the spotlight at this year’s Forum 5i!

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The 20th Forum 5i will be held on Thursday, June 1 at the World Trade Center in Grenoble. Of the twelve emerging innovations selected for this year’s technology showcase, two are based on technologies developed at the CEA. Startup Morphosense, a Leti spinoff, will present its highprecision structural monitoring system, which is used to monitor […] >>

April 03 2017

ISKN: Results worth writing about!

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ISKN, a startup founded in 2014 to develop and commercialize a Leti technology, has seen its revenue grow by 400% per year—a success by any measure. To date, ISKN has sold more than 30,000 units of its Slate digital sketchpad. The Slate2, released in September 2016, has done equally well: the item has been out […] >>

April 03 2017

Avalun begins scaling up its LabPad® for manufacturing

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Avalun, which received support from the French government’s investissements d’avenir program in 2016, is growing! The Leti spinoff, founded in 2013, recently moved into the BHT, where it will have a modular space of 175 sq. m, an 80 sq. m lab, and 70 sq. m of offices. In other words, everything it needs to […] >>

April 03 2017

CEA one of the world’s most innovative publicly-funded research organizations

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The Reuters-Clarivate Analytics “Top 25 Global Innovators – Government” ranking was published on March 1. And the CEA is at the top of the list. The CEA pulled ahead of Germany’s Fraunhofer Society and Max Planck Society, ranking first in Europe. In terms of the global ranking, the CEA came in second, just after the […] >>

April 03 2017

Power electronics: Exagan speeds up production

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Exagan recently started production of its materials in the company’s own cleanrooms, marking a major step toward the launch of its first power components. The company is using an Aixtron 200 mm epitaxy machine and the G-Stack™ process, developed by Exagan with Leti’s support, to make the GaN-on-silicon material. The material will then be sent […] >>
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