News : techtransfer

June 01 2019

E-health: Ludocare to deliver 500 companion robots in September

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Lyon-based startup Ludocare was co-founded in 2017 by ENSPG (now Phelma) alumnae Élodie Loisel, who is currently the company’s VP R&D. Ludocare develops connected solutions for children suffering from chronic disease. The company’s two companion robots, Joe (for asthma) and Leo (for cystic fibrosis), provide sick children with fun reminders like when and how to […] >>

June 01 2019

Micro-LEDs: Low-cost mass production within reach

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In mid-May Leti presented a promising micro-LED fabrication technology at a conference in the United States. The technology would make it possible to fabricate micro-LEDs at a very low cost and transfer the LEDs onto all types of substrates—rigid, flexible, transparent, or opaque—with no limits on size. In the future, consumers could even order custom […] >>

April 01 2019

MINATEC startups raised more than €125 million in 2018

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When it comes to fundraising, 2018 will go down in the books as a record year. Ten MINATEC startups raised €30 million in 2017. In 2018 nine startups raised more than €125 million. Three of the startups (Isorg, Aledia, and Kalray, which went public last June) raised more than €20 million each. The six others […] >>

April 01 2019

Morphosense raises €2 million in fresh capital

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Startup Morphosense just reached a major milestone in its development, raising €2 million from three investors, including Bouygues Construction. The company will grow from eleven to sixteen employees this year and will complete development work on the second incarnation of its product, Neuron. Morphosense will also continue to work with Leti on machine learning. The […] >>

April 01 2019

Michelin acquires stake in Primo1D

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Primo1D just completed its second round of fundraising, bringing in €6 million from investors confident in the company’s unique technology, which places antenna components and a RFID tag inside a special yarn, which can then be integrated into materials like textiles, plastics, and rubbers. The company’s new shareholders include Michelin Ventures, the global tire leader’s […] >>
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