News : Engineering science

June 07 2018

Development of Innovative and Transparent Radio-Frequency devices based on Nanocelluloses – Silver Nanowires hybrid system

Project : E-Transparent Development of Innovative and Transparent Radio-Frequency devices based on Nanocelluloses – Silver Nanowires hybrid system _____________________________________________________   PhD Start : 01/10/2018 Univ. Grenoble Alpes – IDEX Allocation   Application deadline : 30/06/2018 Project Description Electromagnetic waves are present everywhere and are used in many devices for industrial as well as in everyday […] >>

May 02 2018

Structure–property relations for manganite memristive devices

CONTEXT Among the various emerging devices expected to replace conventional Flash memories, Resistive Random Access Memories (ReRAM) are currently attracting a strong scientific and industrial interest. Their operations are based on the switching between a low resistive and a high resistive state, which represents the two binary states. ReRAM devices have already demonstrated significant advantages […] >>
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