News : Engineering science

December 02 2019

Improvement of the determination of the physical profile of a soil, resulting from a measurement with a radiofrequency probe, by an optimized inverse calculation and machine learning

IEPT or Master’s Internship – 2020 Title : Improvement of the determination of the physical profile of a soil, resulting from a measurement with a radiofrequency probe, by an optimized inverse calculation and machine learning Keywords: Machine learning, Databases, electromagnetism, material characterization, physical models Location : IMEP-LaHC Minatec – 3, parvis Louis Néel, BP 257, […] >>

October 28 2019

Dispersion characterization of active glass waveguides

                                                      Master thesis -Master Recherche / PFE                                                                              (5 to 6 month)                                                      Dispersion characterization of active glass waveguides IMEP-LaHC is working on integrated optics since a few decades and is one of the leading laboratories in the field of photonics on glass. A current objective of the team “PHOTO” of this institute is to […] >>

October 28 2019

Micro-heaters for integrated laser tuning

                                                           Master thesis – Master Recherche / PFE                                                                                (5 to 6 month)                                                               Micro-heaters for integrated laser tuning IMEP-LaHC is working on integrated optics since a few decades and is one of the leading laboratories in the field of photonics on glass. A current objective of the team “PHOTO” of this institute is to […] >>

October 21 2019

Electrodes for integrated optical circuits: Application to dielectrophoresis

Master thesis / PFE   (5 to 6 month) Electrodes for integrated optical circuits: Application to dielectrophoresis IMEP-LaHC is one of the leading laboratories in the field of integrated optics, and more specifically of photonics on glass. Striving for innovation, one of our goals is to fabricate integrated devices dedicated to sensing applications such as bacteria […] >>

October 17 2019

Towards the development of high-performance piezoelectric nano-composites for innovative applications in energy conversion

Postdoctoral subject: Towards the development of high-performance piezoelectric nano-composites for innovative applications in energy conversion IMEP-LaHC / MINATEC / Grenoble-France   Keywords: Nanotechnologies, Nanowires, Piezoelectricity, AFM, Multiphysics simulation, Semiconductor Physics and technology. Description of the project: Semiconductor piezoelectric nanowires (NWs) (GaN and ZnO among others) have improved piezoelectric properties compared to thin films and bulk […] >>
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