News : Engineering science

November 14 2017

Material and interface quality analysis by surface harmonic generation (SHG)

Laboratory : IMEP-LaHC, Grenoble-INP Contact: Irina Ionica Key words: second harmonic generation, thin layers optical properties, modeling Context: This topic is in the context of research on novel characterization methods of ultra-thin films and interface quality for applications in micro, nanoelectronics, photovoltaics, photonics, etc. A key element today is to propose and develop innovative characterization […] >>

November 07 2017

Development, modeling and characterization of flexible transducers based on piezoelectric nanowires

MASTER Student Training : First Semester 2018 Keywords: Nanotechnologies, Nanowires, Piezoelectricity, Semiconductor Physics and technology. Training: Very recently, the scientific community gets interested in nanowire devices, because of their unique electrical and mechanical properties due to their 1D structure. These properties could be exploited advantageously for several kinds of applications, such as sensors, actuators and […] >>

June 07 2017

Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters for Self-Powered Automotive Sensors

Marie SKLODOWSKA -Curie PHD Positions ENHANCE-Initial Training Network- Competitive ESR salary “Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters for Self-Powered Automotive Sensors” will provide thirteen PhD Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) with broad and intensive training on key topics such as development of energy harvesters compatible with MEMS technology able to power wireless sensors. We are looking for candidates from […] >>

May 30 2017

Study of potential fluctuations in thin film solar cells

                                                                             ED EEATS – THESIS TOPIC 2017 : Study of potential fluctuations in thin film solar cells Start date : October 2017 Offer n° IMEPLaHC-05242017-CMNE PhD position 2017¬-2020 The application must be received before 2017, June 7th PROJECT DESCRIPTION: CuZnSnSSe (CZTS) kesterite compounds are promising candidates for third generation thin film solar […] >>

May 24 2017

Sharp-Switching Z2-FET Device: Novel applications, Scaling, Reliability and Variability

                                                                                                      PhD Thesis : Registration DEADLINE on June 13th, 2017                                                   Sharp-Switching Z2-FET Device: Novel applications, Scaling, Reliability and Variability   Thesis co-advisors:  Maryline Bawedin, IMEP-LAHC, Joris Lacord, CEA-LETI, Jacques Cluzel, CEA-LETI Sorin Cristoloveanu, CNRS, […] >>
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