News : Engineering sciences
January 01 2023
RF Cryo-CMOS/Superconductor circuits co-design
Quantum computing is nowadays a strong field of research at CEA-LETI and in numerous institutes and companies around the world. The Quantum Silicon Grenoble project, including CEA-LETI, CEA-IRIG and Néel Institut, aims to achieve a quantum computer based on quantum bits (qubits) in silicon. The operating conditions of qubits (cryogenic temperatures = 1K, high frequencies […] >>
January 01 2023
Development of Smart Beamforming Architectures for 6G Telecommunication Systems
Over the past 20 years, wireless communication systems have continued to evolve and offer new services. Today, the success is such that the frequency bands below 10GHz are saturated and we are now turning to millimeter band frequencies. These frequencies offer the possibility to develop systems with higher data rates. However, they require beamforming to […] >>
January 01 2023
Resonant antenna sensors for harsh environments
Microsystems sensors (MEMS) are the interface between the physical world and the digital world, and they are present today in most components and systems. A major challenge is the development of sensors that can be interrogated remotely, without electronic circuits or batteries, which will make it possible to envisage new applications as for example in […] >>
January 01 2023
Study of self-healing mechanisms for embedded systems
While topics around protection mechanisms or threat detection are currently well covered, post-attack repair is still not very present in the scientific literature. Objectives: The objective of this thesis is to identify solutions to restore critical functions or tasks of an embedded device after the detection of an unwanted event (due to a malicious attack […] >>
January 01 2023
Study of sidewall physical mechanisms involved in GaN µ-LEDs performance
In the Optics and Photonics division of CEA-LETI, The Emissive Components Laboratory designs and fabricates micro-displays based on GaN micro-LEDs. One of the major issue of GaN µ-LEDs is the decrease of their efficiency with the size reduction. In literature, this degradation is attributed to SRH (Shockley-Read-Hall) non-radiative recombinations on pixel sidewalls, in defects induced […] >>