News : Engineering sciences

October 25 2023

Optical characterization and optical communication experiment

                                                         Master 2  Internship            Optical characterization and optical communication experiment   Recent technological developments opened the way to exploitable systems operating at ultra-high frequencies (100GHz and above). Several applications such as next generation wireless communication systems, spectroscopes and Radars require continuous radio signals. Electrical sources, although having exceptional properties, struggle to access very […] >>

October 16 2023

Study of protein adsorp0on on surfaces by means of an integrated photonic sensor

                                                    MASTER 2 THESIS /PFE                                                                                                                                                     (5 to 6 months) Study of protein adsorp0on on surfaces by means of an integrated photonic sensor   The adsorption of proteins on surfaces plays an important role in the biomedical field [1]. For diagnostics, the control of the adsorption of immobilized capture antibodies is crucial for accurate […] >>

May 16 2023

Development of Atomic Force Microscopy techniques for the characterization of piezoelectric semiconductor materials – Applications in energy conversion

 Postdoctoral subject: : Development of Atomic Force Microscopy techniques for the characterization of piezoelectric semiconductor materials – Applications in energy conversion     Keywords: AFM, Semiconductor Physics and technology, Nanotechnologies, Nanowires, Piezoelectricity, Multiphysics simulation. Description of the project: Semiconductor piezoelectric nanowires (NWs) (GaN and ZnO among others) have improved piezoelectric properties compared to thin films […] >>

April 21 2023

Multi-feed reconfigurable antenna system using bio-sourced substrate for the sub-7 GHz 5G and beyond

Thesis offer Multi-feed reconfigurable antenna system using bio-sourced substrate for the sub-7 GHz 5G and beyond     Context and objective: The ICT sector contributed to about 3% of the worldwide CO2 emissions and this percentage is increasing with the increase in communication needs [1]. To meet the requirements of a high data rate communication […] >>

April 18 2023

Integrated Photonic on glass for THz Frequency Generation

  PhD position Integrated Photonic on glass for THz Frequency Generation The thesis will focus on the development of co-integrated Glass DFB Lasers for THz generation and  the demonstration to high speed communications. Several advanced applications, such as next wireless  communication system (6G and beyond), spectroscopes and radars require high purity radio frequency  signals. These […] >>
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