Experimental analysis of a new perovskite material for medical radiography: structural properties, doping, and electro-optical performances

Published : 1 January 2023

X-rays is the most widely used medical imaging modality for the detection of pathologies, the monitoring of their evolution and during certain surgical procedures.

The objective of this thesis is to study a new semiconductor material based on perovskites for direct X-ray detection. A thesis is running since October 2022 at CEA on the development of these materials. Their use in the form of photoconductive devices in matrix imagers should make it possible to improve the spatial resolution of images and increase the signal, and thus to treat patients better.

To this end, the doctoral student, a physicist and experimenter, will study the link between the structural properties of CsPbBr3 layers and the transport properties of charge carriers in these layers. He will then analyse the effect of intrinsic and extrinsic doping of the layers on the dark current, photocurrent and electrical stability of the devices. The results of this thesis will provide a detailed understanding of the mechanisms responsible for the performance of CsPbBr3-based X-ray imagers.

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