Topological magnetic phases in quantum materials

Published : 1 January 2023

We propose an experimental and fundamental research project which will explore different types of magnetic materials (EuPtSi, Gd2PdSi3, MnP, CrAs) with exotic magnetic states (skyrmion and helimagnet states). The goal is to use mainly thermoelectric effects under extreme conditions (low temperature, high magnetic field and high pressure), to characterize these exotic spin textures, understand the different competing orders present in these magnetic materials and ultimately displace these spin texture with the application of a thermal gradient. We have recently revealed a metastable behavior of the skyrmion phase in the cubic chiral antiferromagnet EuPtSi, underlying the complexity of the stability of the skyrmion phase. The candidate will benefit from a unique scientific environment: a dedicated dilution refrigerator (50mK-16T), a large range of experimental probes (resistivity, Hall effect, specific heat, thermal conductivity and thermoelectric effects…), the possibility to grow and characterize his own material in the laboratory, a strong interplay with local theoreticians.

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