Tomorrow’s 5G antennas will be thinner

Categorie(s) : News, Research

Published : 4 February 2016

Researchers at Leti have reduced the thickness of antennas for satellite communications and tomorrow’s 5G network access points by half. Their secret? They replaced the single focal point of today’s antennas with a four-source focal network. A 30 GHz antenna leveraging the innovation measures just 10 cm x 10 cm and is just 3 cm thick.
The achievement marks a milestone that took 10 years of research during which three patents were filed. The so-called “transmitter network, beam reconfigurable antennas” offer state-of-the-art efficiency, bandwidth, fabrication costs, and reconfiguration capacities. However additional work is needed to make the antennas even smaller.
The focus of the research has now shifted to proving the technology’s effectiveness for the 27.5 GHz–31.5 GHz bandwidth, which is already in use for satellite communications and a prime candidate for tomorrow’s 5G networks.



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