MINATEC Summer Program
The MINATEC Summer Program brings together international students, researchers, and professionals from the world of industry through four main initiatives
- International Summer Experience in REsearch (ISERE), which lets Bachelor’s, Master’s, and PhD students complete summer research internships at the GIANT innovation campus
- International Research Experience for Students (IRES), which gives second-year students at Grenoble Institute of Technology-Phelma the chance to spend a summer at the Nano/Bio Interface Center at the University of Pennsylvania
- Franco-American Summer Conference, a scientific conference with opportunities to network and make connections in both research and industry
- Summer School @ MINATEC, which lets 60 foreign Bachelor’s students study nanotechnology at Europe’s leading nanotechnology campus
- An internship program with the University of Tsukuba that gives PhD students from Grenoble the chance to perform research at this prestigious Japanese school
Contact: SummerProgram@minatec.org