Actualités : Technologies micro et nano

08 octobre 2019

Phase-Change Memory for 28nm and beyond: New Frontiers and Innovations at the Limits of the Non-Volatile Memory Scaling Roadmap for the Automobile Microcontrollers of Tomorrow

The near future is Internet of Things (IoT), with the need of a data storage infrastructure allowing Big Data processing and Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications. The Memory Laboratory in CEA-LETI is developing the next generations of Non-Volatile Memories, and among them Phase-Change Memory (PCM) is the most mature one. PCM demonstrated capability of high data […] >>

08 octobre 2019

Electrical characterization of HfO2-based Metal/Ferroelectric/Metal and Metal/Ferroelectric/Insulator/Metal structures for emerging ultra-low power IoT memories: FeRAM-capacitance based and FTJ-resistance based respectively

Cadre et contexte : Depuis la découverte de la ferroélectricité dans le HfO2 il y a une dizaine d’années, ce matériau suscite beaucoup d’intérêt pour des mémoires ultra faible consommation; plus récemment encore, des résultats préliminaires de jonction tunnel ferroélectriques ont été démonstrés avec ce type de matériau scalable et compatible CMOS. Travail demandé : […] >>

08 octobre 2019

Integration of a resistive memory with a back-end selector in FDSOI 28nm node for In Memory Computing applications

Context : The near future is Internet of Things (IoT), with the need of a data storage infrastructure allowing Big Data processing and Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications. The Memory Laboratory in CEA-LETI is developing the next generations of Non-Volatile Memories, and among them Cross Bar structure based on ReRAM + OTS selector is very promising. […] >>
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