News : Clinatec (LETI)

January 01 2023

Neural signal decoding for clinical Brain Spine neuroprosthesis

The postdoctoral project will be carried out at CEA/LETI/CLINATEC, in collaboration with EPFL (Lausanne, Switzerland) within the frame of multidisciplinary Brain-Machine Interface program. The program goal is to explore novel solutions for functional rehabilitation and/or compensation for people with sever motor disabilities using neuroprosthetics. Neuroprosthetics record, and decode brain neuronal signal for activating effectors (e.g. […] >>

January 01 2023

Auto-adaptive neural decoder for clinical brain-spine interfacing

CEA/LETI/CLINATEC invite applications for postdoctoral position to work on the HORIZON-EIC project. The project goal is to explore novel solutions for functional rehabilitation and/or compensation for people with sever motor disabilities using auto-adaptive Brain-Machine Interface (BMI) / neuroprosthetics. Neuroprosthetics record, and decode brain neuronal signal for activating effectors (exoskeleton, implantable spinal cord stimulator etc.) directly […] >>
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