News : DCOS
January 01 2023
Optomechanical force probes development for high speed AFM
The proposed topic is part of a CARNOT project aiming at developing a new generation of force sensors based on optomechanical transduction. These force sensors will be implemented in ultrafast AFM microscopes for imaging and force spectroscopy. They will allow to address biological and biomedical applications on sub-microsecond or even nanosecond time scales in force […] >>
January 01 2023
DTCO analysis of MRAM for In/Near-Memory Computing
The energy cost associated to moving data across the memory hierarchy has become a limiting factor in modern computing systems. To mitigate this trend, novel computing architectures favoring a more local and parallel processing of the stored information are proposed, under the labels « Near/In-Memory Computing » or « Processing In Memory ». Substantial benefits […] >>
January 01 2023
Ferroelectric Tunnel Junctions for neuromorphic applications
The recent discovery of HfO2 ferroelectric properties generates a strong interest for novel non-volatile memory technologies. Among them, HfO2-based Ferroelectric Tunnel Junctions (FTJ) are resistive memories in which the electronic transport, and thus the device conductance, is modulated by the orientation of ferroelectric dipoles within the HfO2 layer. Actually, HfO2-based FTJs are envisaged for mimicking […] >>
January 01 2023
Thermal and phase transition properties of van der Waals heterostructures by equivariant graph neural networks
Simulations using molecular dynamics (MD) are particularly suitable to study the physical properties of complex materials at the atomic scale but require an accurate description of their potential energy surface (PES). In the past couple of years, much progress has been made in the development of machine learning interatomic potentials (ML-IP) trained on ab initio […] >>
January 01 2023
Ferroelectric field effect transistor (FeMFET) for multi-bit per cell memories and in-memory computing applications
The recent discovery of ferroelectricity in hafnium oxide (HfO2) thin films generates a strong interest for ultra-low power non volatile memories, in which the information is stored by the orientation of the electric dipoles in this material. Among those memories, the ferroelectric field effect transistor (FeFET) is quite appealing to combine logic and memory operations […] >>