News : DOPT

January 01 2023

Development of new blue emitting organic molecule based on the hyperfluorescence

The focus today is on high luminance of the microdisplays to meet the requests for AR/VR application. The performance of current OLEDs, in terms of luminance and lifetime, especially for blue, have great difficulty in meeting these high luminance specdifications. Improvements in the efficiency and lifetime of the blue emitter are therefore mandatory. Fluorescent emissive […] >>

January 01 2023

Neural Architecture Search for Binary Neural Networks on In-Memory Computing

Edge Artificial Intelligence and low-level Computer Vision is now massively deployed at the near-sensor level in order to further extend the capabilities of smart embedded imaging systems. This near-sensor intelligence typically allows 1000x gains by capping data transmission, thus improving energy efficiency. The In-Memory Computing (IMC) paradigm offers the opportunity to optimize processing architectures thanks […] >>

January 01 2023

3D interferometric imaging system with integrated optics

3D sensing by capturing depth images, is a key function in numerous emerging applications such as facial recognition, augmented reality, robotics or drones. CEA targets the development of an innovative 3D sensing module, inspired from frequency modulated Lidar, with simultaneous illumination of the whole scene. To miniaturize the system, the proposed PhD will focus on […] >>

January 21 2022

Theoretical and experimental studies of the polarized light’s propagation into OLED structure

In collaboration with chemists from CEA Saclay and the University of Rennes, Leti’s LCEM laboratory is interested in new chiral molecules for OLED (Organic Light Emitting Device) sources able to emit circularly polarized light (CP). The interest of these CPOLED sources is multiple and encompasses both micro-screens and healthcare applications. While the state of the […] >>
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