News : FMNT

October 22 2019

A novel process to realize 4H-SiC nanowire arrays for biomedical applications

SUJET STAGE Master 2 ou Projet de Fin d’Etudes: A novel process to realize 4H-SiC nanowire arrays for biomedical applications The arrays of vertical nanopillars and nanowires (NW) are highly interesting for various applications. Such arrays are natural candidates for two-dimensional photonic crystals.In addition, the pitch between pillars could influence biological cell adhesion. A pillar […] >>

October 21 2019

Electrodes for integrated optical circuits: Application to dielectrophoresis

Master thesis / PFE   (5 to 6 month) Electrodes for integrated optical circuits: Application to dielectrophoresis IMEP-LaHC is one of the leading laboratories in the field of integrated optics, and more specifically of photonics on glass. Striving for innovation, one of our goals is to fabricate integrated devices dedicated to sensing applications such as bacteria […] >>

October 17 2019

Towards the development of high-performance piezoelectric nano-composites for innovative applications in energy conversion

Postdoctoral subject: Towards the development of high-performance piezoelectric nano-composites for innovative applications in energy conversion IMEP-LaHC / MINATEC / Grenoble-France   Keywords: Nanotechnologies, Nanowires, Piezoelectricity, AFM, Multiphysics simulation, Semiconductor Physics and technology. Description of the project: Semiconductor piezoelectric nanowires (NWs) (GaN and ZnO among others) have improved piezoelectric properties compared to thin films and bulk […] >>

September 11 2019

Characterization and modeling of Si and III-V FET devices under deep cryogenic condition

Institut de Microélectronique, Electromagnétisme et Photonique IMEP-LaHC, Grenoble INP, BP 257 MINATEC 38016 Grenoble cedex 16, France   PhD Position Topic: Characterization and modeling of Si and III-V FET devices under deep cryogenic condition Start: January 2020 Salary: 1400 EUR / month (net) Context : Quantum computing is currently attracting a lot of research due […] >>

June 06 2019

Realization and optimization of SiC based nanowires Electrical Field Effect (NWFETs) biosensors for direct electrical detection of molecules

                                                               Realization and optimization of SiC based nanowires Electrical Field Effect (NWFETs) biosensors for direct electrical detection of molecules Topic : The development of label-free biosensors based of electrical detection of molecules is of great interest for early diagnosis of biomarkers in personalized medicine, environmental monitoring and bio-defense. In this aim, […] >>
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