News : FMNT

June 05 2019

Second harmonic generation for semiconductor materials and interfaces characterization

Second harmonic generation for semiconductor materials and interfaces characterization IMEP – LAHC, MINATEC – INPG, 3, Parvis Louis Néel, 38016, Grenoble Advisors/contacts: Irina Ionica , 04 56 52 95 23 Guy Vitrant Lionel Bastard Context: This PhD topic is financed within the French national plan Nano 2022, which is a part of the European project […] >>

May 24 2019

Investigating the polarity related properties of well-ordered ZnO nanowires for piezoelectric devices: The issue of defects & hydrogen

Topic: The development of semiconductor nanowires (NWs) is of great basic and technological interests owing to their high aspect ratio at nanoscale dimensions, giving rise to novel, remarkable properties, as well as a broad range of potential applications. Among them, ZnO as an abundant and biocompatible compound semiconductor with attractive properties has been receiving increasing […] >>

April 08 2019

Transparent electrodes based on silver nanowires-nanocellulose: from fundamental aspects to device integration

A phD position is offered between LMGP and LGP2 laboratories. The appointment has a fixed duration of 36 months, starting 01/10/2019. You will be hired in the framework of a Regional project (2018-2023) called “Eternité” and dealing with research and development devoted to optically transparent materials and electrical conductors that has attracted growing interest in […] >>

November 06 2018

Development and characterization of flexible transducers based on piezoelectric nanowires

MASTER Student Training : First Semester 2019  Development and characterization of flexible transducers based on piezoelectric nanowires IMEP-LaHC / LMGP/ MINATEC / Grenoble-France Keywords: Nanotechnologies, Nanowires, Piezoelectricity, SALD Training: Very recently, the scientific community gets interested in nanowire devices, because of their unique electrical and mechanical properties due to their 1D structure. These properties could […] >>

October 11 2018

Design and fabrication of an integrated microbiology impendance sensor

                                   Sujet de StageMaster Recherche / PFE   (5 à 6 mois)                                                                        Design and fabrication of an integrated microbiology impendance sensor […] >>
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