News : FMNT

May 30 2017

Study of potential fluctuations in thin film solar cells

                                                                             ED EEATS – THESIS TOPIC 2017 : Study of potential fluctuations in thin film solar cells Start date : October 2017 Offer n° IMEPLaHC-05242017-CMNE PhD position 2017¬-2020 The application must be received before 2017, June 7th PROJECT DESCRIPTION: CuZnSnSSe (CZTS) kesterite compounds are promising candidates for third generation thin film solar […] >>

May 24 2017

Sharp-Switching Z2-FET Device: Novel applications, Scaling, Reliability and Variability

                                                                                                      PhD Thesis : Registration DEADLINE on June 13th, 2017                                                   Sharp-Switching Z2-FET Device: Novel applications, Scaling, Reliability and Variability   Thesis co-advisors:  Maryline Bawedin, IMEP-LAHC, Joris Lacord, CEA-LETI, Jacques Cluzel, CEA-LETI Sorin Cristoloveanu, CNRS, […] >>

April 12 2017

Mm-wave circuits in BiCMOS advanced technology

Job offer for Post-doc position Mm-wave circuits in BiCMOS advanced technology   Context: In the framework of ECSEL European TARANTO project, coordinated by STMicroelectronics, Crolles, France, the IMEP-LAHC laboratory, Grenoble, France, will recruit a post-doc for a duration of 12 Months (could be extended up to 24 Months). The post-doc will work in a team […] >>

February 02 2017

Toward a better understanding of the microbial growth inhibition by electromagnetic fields

                                                      Master thesis proposal – MARCH to JULY 2017         Toward a better understanding of the microbial growth inhibition by electromagnetic fields Keywords : Electromagnetism, microbial decontamination, growth inhibition mechanisms, numerical modeling Labs : – Institut de Microélectronique, Electromagnétisme et Photonique- Laboratoire d’Hyperfréquences et de Caractérisation (IMEP-LaHC) Minatec – 3, parvis Louis Néel, BP […] >>

January 26 2017

Toward a better understanding of the microbial growth inhibition by electromagnetic fields

                                                                            PhD proposal – sept. 2017 to sept. 2020                                              Title : Toward a better understanding of the microbial growth inhibition by electromagnetic fields   Keywords : Electromagnetism, microbial decontamination, growth inhibition mechanisms, numerical modeling Labs : – Institut de Microélectronique, Electromagnétisme et Photonique (IMEP-LAHC) Minatec – Grenoble  – 3, parvis Louis […] >>
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