News : FMNT

March 27 2023

Arbitrary THz waveforms generator for Quantum Electronics applications

IMEP-LAHC, CNRS, Chambéry, France PhD open position in : Arbitrary THz waveforms generator for Quantum Electronics applications   Context : The most recent developments in 2D electron gas (2DEG) electronic circuits make it possible to consider the demonstration of quantum electronic experiments in which an electron would behave like a photon propagating in a quantum […] >>

March 23 2023

Out-of-equilibrium body potential in Silicon-on-insulator: an original reading method for hybrid sustainable bio-chemical sensors

TITLE : Out-of-equilibrium body potential in Silicon-on-insulator: an original reading method for hybrid sustainable bio-chemical sensorsurables     Deadline for application: 30th of Mai 2023 Beginning of contract: 1st of Oct. 2023 Place: IMEP – LAHC, MINATEC – INPG, 3, Parvis Louis Néel, 38016, Grenoble Advisor: Irina Ionica (Associate Professor Grenoble INP) Contact: +33 […] >>

November 09 2022

Microwave measurements in living tissues – models for determining blood glucose concentration

MASTER INTERNSHIP – 2023 Title : Microwave measurements in living tissues – models for determining blood glucose concentration   Keywords: RF characterization, biomedical devices Labs : – Institut de Microélectronique, Electromagnétisme et Photonique Laboratoire d’Hyperfréquences et Caractérisation (IMEP-LaHC, GINP-CNRS-UGA-USMB) Minatec – Grenoble, 3, parvis Louis Néel, BP 257 38 016 GRENOBLE Cedex 1 Supervisors : […] >>

November 09 2022

Effect of the different designs of a temperature sensor on the recovery of critical metals by a bioleaching process

MASTER INTERNSHIP- 2023 Effect of the different designs of a temperature sensor on the recovery of critical metals by a bioleaching process Keywords: Sustainable electronics, electronic design, recycling, microbiological process – Institut de Microélectronique, Electromagnétisme et Photonique (IMEP-LaHC, GINP-CNRS-UGA-USMB) Minatec – Grenoble, 3, parvis Louis Néel, BP 257, 38 016 GRENOBLE Cedex 1 – Institut […] >>

October 28 2022

Conception, fabrication and characterization of devices dedicated to identification and autthentication applications in THz domain

Master 2 internship topic Conception, fabrication and characterization of devices dedicated to identification and autthentication applications in THz domain   Subject : THz spectroscopy (1 THz = 10¹² Hz), born in the 80s, makes it possible to probe, thanks to the use offemtosecond lasers (1 fs = 10-¹5s), the electromagnetic properties of materials between 100 […] >>
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